
:snake: Syntax, working with Shell commands, Files, Text Processing, and more...

Primary LanguagePython

⚠️ ⚠️ I'm archiving this repo, as I don't intend to work on this repo further.

I'm re-using materials in this repo for the 100 Page Python Intro book (https://github.com/learnbyexample/100_page_python_intro).

I'm also working on Practice Python Projects book (https://github.com/learnbyexample/practice_python_projects), which I had intended in this repo for the mini_projects folder.

Python Basics

Introduction to Python - Syntax, working with Shell commands, Files, Text Processing, and more...


  • Introduction
    • Installation, Hello World example, Python Interpreter, Python Standard Library
  • Number and String data types
    • Numbers, String, Constants, Built-in Operators
  • Functions
    • def, print function, range function, type function, Variable Scope
  • Getting User input
    • Integer input, Floating point input, String input
  • Executing external commands
    • Calling Shell commands, Calling Shell commands with expansion, Getting command output and redirections
  • Control Structures
    • Condition checking, if, for, while, continue and break
  • Lists
    • Assigning List variables, Slicing and Modifying Lists, Copying Lists, List Methods and Miscellaneous, Looping, List Comprehension, Getting List as user input, Getting random items from list
  • Sequence, Set and Dict data types
    • Strings, Tuples, Set, Dictionary
  • Text Processing
    • String methods, Regular Expressions, Pattern matching and extraction, Search and Replace, Compiling Regular Expressions, Further Reading on Regular Expressions
  • File handling
    • open function, Reading files, Writing to files, Inplace editing with fileinput
  • Command line arguments
    • Known number of arguments, Varying number of arguments, Using program name in code, Command line switches
  • Exception Handling and Debugging
    • Exception Handling, Syntax check, pdb, Importing program
  • Docstrings
    • Style guide, Palindrome example
  • Testing
    • assert statement, Using assert to test a program, Using unittest framework, Using unittest.mock to test user input and program output, Other testing frameworks
  • Exercises
  • Further Reading
    • Standard topics not covered, Useful links on coding, Python extensions


  • Please open an issue for typos/bugs/suggestions/etc
    • As this repo is no longer actively worked upon, please do not submit pull requests
  • Share the repo with friends/colleagues, on social media, etc to help reach other learners
  • In case you need to reach me, mail me at echo 'bGVhcm5ieWV4YW1wbGUubmV0QGdtYWlsLmNvbQo=' | base64 --decode or send a DM via twitter


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  • All legacy.gitbook.com links are now automatically redirected to gitbook.com, so there's no longer an option to download ebooks for offline reading



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