
Lightweight and simple code compilation SDK written in Python. You can also deploy it as a code compilation API.

Primary LanguagePython

Small Compiler SDK using docker

This is a really small and fast library to compile any script.

  1. You need to have docker server running in your environment.
  2. Only supports the python language in the latest version.
  3. Its very easy to add support for new languages by adding a the dockerfile to the ./environments folder.

How to use it?

There is two ways, you can run the SDK and import it in your code, or you can deploy it as an API and sent the code as HTTP request.

Just import the class "Compiler" into your code, here is an example that you can run with pipenv run compile:

from src.compiler import Compiler

# Create a new compiler and specify python version
compiler = Compiler(lang="python:latest")

age = input('What is your age?')
print("Your age is", age)


compilation_result = compiler.run()


Compilation API

Start the compilation API with pipenv run start.

Send a POST HTTP request with the stdin and the script body to compile, keep in mind than the body has to be base64 encoded first.

curl --location --request POST 'https://your-api-host.com/v1/compile' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "stdin": [45],
    "body": "cHJpbnQoIkhlbGxvb28gbXkgZnJpZW5kIik="