
Information gathering before troubleshooting in linux flavours. This script suggests a list of important Items which helps a lot to understand the current state of a server environment.

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Information gathering before troubleshooting in linux flavours. This script suggests a list of important Items which helps a lot to understand the current state of a server environment.

Checklist categories:

~ Who is there ? { w, last, lastlog, whoami }

~ Programs executed ? { history }

~ Programs running ? { ps -ef / ps aux , pstree -a }

~ Services listening ? { netstat }

~ CPU, RAM, Hardware { /proc/cpuinfo, free -m, lspci, dmidecode, ethtool }

~ IO performances, Mount point and file systems { iostat, vmstat, mpstat, mount, df -h }

~ Kernel, network { sysctl, netstat, route }

~ logs { system logs, Application logs if any }

~ cronjobs { crontab -l }


Please suggest if anything in the above list is missing. email to sankar(at)learnsomuch.com . Also if any one interested to contribute, you are most welcome :-)