Flexi library

A simple dynamic array library in C


  • Support for 1 dimensional integer arrays and 2 dimensional string arrays

  • Methods applicable on the above, append, pop, remove_index, replace_index, print


There are 2 structs for int and string arrays respectively ArrInt, ArrString. Declare the struct and initialize the array:

ArrString arr;
FlexiInit(&arr, "STRING");  // "INT" for ints

Access to methods with arr.head.<MethodName>, e.g. :

arr.head.append(&arr, "Hello World!");
arr.head.replace_index(&arr, 0, "Goodbye World!");

After you are finished using the array call the destroy method:


This is important to free up memory allocated by malloc/realloc.


  • all methods take first argument as a reference to your array struct
  • when passing ints to the append/replace_index functions you will get a warning about int -> pointer conversion( this is safe, ignore it)
  • Upon request or in the case that I need it, I will add support for other types
  • Feedback and/or questions are welcome, p.s. You probably shouldn't use this library, I am still learning C :).