
Syntax highlighting native module for hilbish, using tree sitter

Primary LanguageGo

Hilbish Syntax

This is a native hilbish module that provides syntax highlighting.


You need to first build the native module, and for that you will need golang:

go build -buildmode=plugin

This will create a hilbish-syntax.so file in the current directory (Assuming your on a unix-like OS, honestly don't care if your Windows: you get enough support from the big players)

Then to enable it in your config:

hilbish.highlighter = hilbish.module.load(os.getenv 'HOME' .. '/Repos/hilbish-syntax/hilbish-syntax.so')

where os.getenv 'HOME' .. /Repos/hilbish-syntax/hibish-syntax.so is the path to the .so file (relative to $HOME dir)

For the hackers !

This project is built using tree-sitter. You can define your own highlight rules in the highlights.scm file which is built into the .so produced. You can consult the tree-sitter docs if you want to create custom highlights, but importantly any of the @<name> variables can be assigned a color in the source code, here is a snippet from syntax.go:

var THEME = map[string]string{
	"string":   "\033[38;5;3m",
	"function": "\033[38;5;13m",
	"property": "\033[38;5;15m",
	"keyword":  "\033[38;5;9m",
	"number":   "\033[38;5;5m",
	"embedded": "\033[38;5;3m",
	"operator": "\033[38;5;11m",
	"constant": "\033[38;5;1m",

This is just a map of those variables to an ansi code which is then inserted at the start of the nodes captured by the variable (a \033[0m is matched at the end of the nodes captured)


This is very early stages and currently only supports posix-like command-line highlighting. Additionally this has some latency issues, more profiling needs to be done to see what can be done to reduce the latency however there seems to be a fixed burden of calling between the native module and hilbish.