
Primary LanguageVim Script

Things I've had to do to set up Ubuntu.


I installed go 1.9 through the gophers PPA, and to add that to PATH system-wide I did:



Building go-ipfs from source currently requires GOPATH to be set, even though go 1.9 does not. So I added:

export GOPATH="$HOME/go"

Also, appended $GOPATH/bin to PATH.

MATE Terminal

To make vim have colors, I went to Edit > Profile Preferences > Title and Command > Run a custom command instead of my shell and used:

env TERM=xterm-256color /bin/bash


Added set -o vi


See .vimrc

Swapping caps and escape

I'm on Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3, so this can be done by:

  • System > Preferences > Hardware > Keyboard
  • Layouts tab
  • Options button
  • Caps Lock key behavior
  • selectSwap ESC and Caps Lock

carpalx qwkrfy3 keyboard layout

I use a variant of the carpalx qwkrfy layout that swaps only 3 pairs of letters instead of 5 w.r.t. QWERTY: e & k, t & f, o & j.

This was set up by copying carpalx.xkb (which was modified from the X11 keyboard layout available on the Carpalx website) to /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/carpalx, then making a shell script that does setxkbmap carpalx