从自动机生成正则表达式(Generating regular expressions from finite automaton)
- 流量法(Traffic Algorithm):MCNAUGHTON R, YAMADA H. Regular Expressions and State Graphs for Automata[J]. IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers, 1960, EC-9(1): 39–47.
- 桥状态法(Bridge Algorithm):AHN J H, HAN Y S. Implementation of state elimination using heuristics[J]. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2009, 5642 LNCS: 178–187.
- 权重法(Algorithm DM):DELGADO M, MORAIS J. Approximation to the Smallest Regular Expression for a Given Regular Language[G]//DOMARATZKI M, AND OKHOTIN A, AND SALOMAA K. Implementation and Application of Automata. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005: 312–314.
- 回路计数法(Cycle Count Algorithm):MOREIRA N, NABAIS D, REIS R. State Elimination Ordering Strategies: Some Experimental Results[J]. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 2010, 31(Dcfs): 139–148.
- 动态度乘积法(Algorithm 0B):LOMBARDY S, RÉGIS-GIANAS Y, SAKAROVITCH J. Introducing VAUCANSON[J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 2004, 328(1–2): 77–96.
- 改进权重法:根据权重法原理向前预测k步,提高寻找最短正则表达式的概率。
通过JFLAP将自动机可视化。本工具通过编码标记确定性有限自动机,如下图所示自动机编号为6_10886。将自动机转为不包含初态和终态的关系矩阵,用字符串表示,即0110 0001 0101 0100。反转字符串并转为十进制,结合自动机的状态数可得标记。工具可将自动机编码为XML文件,然后在JFLAP上可视化。
- 若仅作为工具使用,请打开StringRuleMining.exe文件,输入自动机编号即可使用。
- 本工具基于Win7+Visual Studio 2019进行编写,使用相应的IDE即可打开文件StringRuleMining.sln