
A treeview for Flutter. Based on the listview.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


A treeview for Flutter. Based on the listview

  • Highly customizable. It only manages the tree structure of the data, and the UI is designed by yourself.
  • Performance is efficient because of the Listview's reuse mechanism.
  • Infinitely increasing child levels and child nodes

Flutter 2.0 support

  • flutter 2.0 null safety support in version 0.3.0

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Getting Started


1. Depend on it
  list_treeview: [version]
2. Install it
$ flutter pub get
3. Import it
import 'package:list_treeview/list_treeview.dart';


1、initialize controller.

The controller must be initialized when the treeView create

class _TreePageState extends State<TreePage> {
  TreeViewController _controller;
  void initState() {
    ///The controller must be initialized when the treeView create
    _controller = TreeViewController();

2、Set the data for each row.

  • Your data class must inherit from Nodedata, and you can customize other properties of the class.
/// The data class that is bound to the child node
/// You must inherit from NodeData !!!
/// You can customize any of your properties
class TreeNodeData extends NodeData {
  TreeNodeData({this.label,this.color}) : super();

  /// Other properties that you want to define
  final String label;
  final Color color;
  String property1;
  String property2;
  String property3;
  • Set the TreeView's data, use '_controller.treeData()'
void getData() async {
    print('start get data');
    _isSuccess = false;
    await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2));

    var colors1 = TreeNodeData(label: 'Colors1');
    var color11 = TreeNodeData(
        label: 'rgb(0,139,69)', color: Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 139, 69));
    var color12 = TreeNodeData(
        label: 'rgb(0,139,69)', color: Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 191, 255));
    var color13 = TreeNodeData(
        label: 'rgb(0,139,69)', color: Color.fromARGB(255, 255, 106, 106));
    var color14 = TreeNodeData(
        label: 'rgb(0,139,69)', color: Color.fromARGB(255, 160, 32, 240));

    var colors2 = TreeNodeData(label: 'Colors2');
    var color21 = TreeNodeData(
        label: 'rgb(0,139,69)', color: Color.fromARGB(255, 255, 64, 64));
    var color22 = TreeNodeData(
        label: 'rgb(0,139,69)', color: Color.fromARGB(255, 28, 134, 238));
    var color23 = TreeNodeData(
        label: 'rgb(0,139,69)', color: Color.fromARGB(255, 255, 106, 106));
    var color24 = TreeNodeData(
        label: 'rgb(0,139,69)', color: Color.fromARGB(255, 205, 198, 115));

    /// set data
    _controller.treeData([colors1, colors2]);
    print('set treeData suceess');

    setState(() {
      _isSuccess = true;



//_controller.insertAtRear(dataNode, newNode);
//_controller.insertAtIndex(1, dataNode, newNode);



Expand or collapse children

/// Control item to expand or collapse
/// [index] The index of the selected item


/// select only itself

/// Select itself and all child nodes