
C/C++ bindings for Shampine and Thompson's DDE_SOLVER, a Fortran library for delay differential equations.

Primary LanguageC++


This repo provides a C/C++ binding for the DDE solver originally written by L. Shampine and S. Thompson: http://www.radford.edu/~thompson/ffddes/ and its update https://github.com/WarrenWeckesser/dde_solver



To make lib/libdde_solver.a

make all


In tests

make all
  • C binding tests: sol1_test, sol2_test, sol3_test, sol4_test.
  • C++ binding tests: dde_solver_test.



include/dde_solver.h contains functions declarations of C bindings for Fortran implementations DKL_1, DKL_2, DKL_3, and DKL_4.


include/dde_solver.hpp contains a class template DdeIntegrator as the of C++ binding interface.


#include <dde_solver.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>

using dde_solver::DdeUserOption;
using dde_solver::DdeSol;
using dde_solver::DdeIntegrator;

static constexpr double R=3.5, M=19.0;

 * Functor for RHS of DDEs
struct FnDdes {
  std::vector<double> operator()(const double& t,
                                 const std::vector<double>& y,
                                 const std::vector<double>& z) const {
    return { R * y[0] * (1.0 - z[0] / M) };

 * Functor for history
struct FnHistory {
  std::vector<double> operator()(const double& t) const {
    if (t == 0.0) {
      return {19.001};
    } else {
      return {19.0};

 * Functor for events
struct FnEvent
  std::vector<double> operator()(const double& t,
                                 const std::vector<double>& y,
                                 const std::vector<double>& dydt,
                                 const std::vector<double>& z) const {
    return { dydt[0], dydt[0] };

FnDdes ddes;
FnHistory his;
FnEvent ef;

std::vector<double> delay{ 0.74 }; // a single delay

 * user options. @c nullptr_t corresponding to optional
 * Fortran arguments that are not present. Here they are 
 * @c CHANGE_FCN, @c OUT_FCN, and @c user_trim_get.
using Dde = DdeUserOption<FnDdes, std::vector<double>, FnHistory,
                          FnEvent, nullptr_t, nullptr_t, nullptr_t>;
Dde o1(ddes, delay, his, ef, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);

// solution is in @c DdeSol.
DdeSol sol = DdeIntegrator<Dde>(o1)();

Where the solution structure DdeSol is of form

struct DdeSol {
  const int npts;                      // nb. of points
  const int flag;                      // nb. of delays
  const int ne;                        // nb. of events
  std::vector<double> t;               // time at points
  std::vector<double> y;               // solution at points
  std::vector<double> te;              // time at events
  std::vector<double> ye;              // solution at events
  std::vector<double> yoft;
  std::vector<int> stats;
  std::vector<int> ie;
  std::vector<int> ipoint;
  bool shift;
  double tshift;

For the usage of each input/output variable, see https://www.radford.edu/~thompson/ffddes/.