is a neural network compiler for AI accelerators.
是一个为 AI 加速器设计的神经网络编译器。
技术交流 QQ 群:790699378
Download prebuilt binaries from Release.
下载预编译的二进制文件 Release。
gcc >= 8, cmake >=3.8, xtensor, xtl, clipp
- MobileNetV1/V2
- Supports multiple inputs and outputs and multi-branch structure
- Static memory allocation, no heap memory acquired
- Operators fusion and optimizations
- Support float and quantized uint8 inference
- Support post quantization from float model with calibration dataset
- Flat model with zero copy loading
- 支持多输入输出网络,支持多分支结构
- 静态内存分配,不需要堆内存
- 算子合并和优化
- 支持 float 和量化 uint8 推理
- 支持训练后量化,使用浮点模型和量化校准集
- 平坦模型,支持零拷贝加载
Operator | Is Supported |
Add | ✅ |
ArgMax | ❌ |
ArgMin | ❌ |
AveragePool2D | ✅ |
BatchToSpaceND | ❌ |
Cast | ❌ |
Concatenation | ✅ |
Conv2D | ✅ |
DepthwiseConv2D | ✅ |
Div | ✅ |
Equal | ❌ |
Exp | ✅ |
ExpandDims | ❌ |
Floor | ✅ |
FullyConnected | ✅ |
Gather | ❌ |
Greater | ❌ |
GreaterEqual | ❌ |
MaxPool2D | ✅ |
Mean | ✅ |
Mul | ✅ |
L2Normalization | ✅ |
L2Pool2D | ❌ |
LessEqual | ❌ |
Log | ✅ |
Logistic | ✅ |
LogSoftmax | ❌ |
Maximum | ✅ |
Minimum | ✅ |
Neg | ✅ |
NotEqual | ❌ |
Pack | ❌ |
Pad | ✅ |
Pow | ❌ |
PRelu | ❌ |
ReduceMax | ✅ |
ReduceProd | ❌ |
Reshape | ✅ |
ResizeBilinear | ✅ |
Rsqrt | ✅ |
Select | ❌ |
Shape | ❌ |
Sin | ✅ |
Slice | ❌ |
Softmax | ✅ |
SpaceToDepth | ❌ |
SpaceToBatchND | ❌ |
SparseToDense | ❌ |
Split | ❌ |
Sqrt | ✅ |
Square | ✅ |
Squeeze | ❌ |
Sub | ✅ |
Sum | ✅ |
Tile | ❌ |
TopK | ❌ |
Transpose | ✅ |
TransposeConv | ❌ |
LogicalOr | ❌ |
OneHot | ❌ |
LogicalAnd | ❌ |
LogicalNot | ❌ |
UnPack | ❌ |
ReduceMin | ✅ |
FloorDiv | ❌ |
ReduceAny | ❌ |
ZerosLike | ❌ |
Fill | ❌ |
FloorMod | ❌ |
Range | ❌ |
ResizeNearesetNeighbor | ✅ |
LeakyRelu | ✅ |
MirrorPad | ❌ |
Abs | ✅ |
SplitV | ❌ |
Unique | ❌ |
Ceil | ✅ |
Reverse | ❌ |
AddN | ❌ |
GatherND | ❌ |
Cos | ✅ |
Where | ❌ |
Rank | ❌ |
Elu | ❌ |
ReverseSequence | ❌ |