
The Discord bot for VDO.Ninja

Primary LanguagePython


The Discord bot for VDO.Ninja


to install, it's something like this:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
sudo python3 main.py


Discord API: You need to create an app in Discord, then a bot of that app, then an invite link with Administrator permissions enabled. Discord Guide

You need to then use the token as "discordBotToken" for that bot in the cfg file, renaming it to discordbot.cfg

Reddit API: You also have to create an app on reddit and paste the client id and client secret into the config file. ("redditClientId" and "redditClientSecret" in the discordbot.cfg)

Youtube API: You have to create an app in the google api console, then enable the "YouTube Data API v3" and create a new API key. ("youtubeApiKey" in the discordbot.cfg)

Gitbook API: You have to create an api token in the personal settings -> developer settings.

Github API: You have to create an api token in settings -> Developer settings -> personal access token -> tokens (classic).

Advanced users should setup the script as a system service, so it auto restarts as needed or run everything inside a docker container.


https://updates.vdo.ninja is where #update channel updates are posted, created via this bot

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