
Fetch examples for ansible modules into console

Primary LanguageShell

Ansible Example Script

Fetch module examples.


$ ae systemd

  ## Examples

    - name: Make sure a service unit is running
        state: started
        name: httpd

    - name: Stop service cron on debian, if running
        name: cron
        state: stopped

    - name: Restart service cron on centos, in all cases, also issue daemon-reload to pick up
  config changes
        state: restarted
        daemon_reload: yes
        name: crond

    - name: Reload service httpd, in all cases
        name: httpd.service
        state: reloaded


  1. Install html-xml-utils and glow:
paru -S html-xml-utils
sudo pacman -S glow
  1. Install html2md: Use bundled html2md or build from sources (rust required):
git clone https://gitlab.com/Kanedias/html2md.git
cargo build --release
  1. Install ansible example script:

Copy ae.sh in ~/bin and append this path to $PATH.

sudo cp html2md /usr/local/bin/

Create alias in ~/.bashrc:

alias ae="~/bin/ae.sh"

How it works

  1. Check if module page present in file cache
  2. If not present - download into file
  3. Read html, normalize code, select 'Examples' section
  4. Convert html to markdown and create file cache
  5. Render markdown with glow
