
Convert OBJ files to Data.csv that can be imported to SculptrVR on Desktop.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Convert OBJ files to Data.csv that can be imported to SculptrVR on Desktop.

Inspired by and partially based on https://github.com/EX0l0N/ply-to-SculptrVR-csv -- which does the same thing for PLY point clouds.




$ mesh2sculptr.exe -h
mesh2sculptr 0.1.0
OBJ -> SculptrVR Converter

    mesh2sculptr.exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <file>

        --fill       Attempt to fill the inside of the mesh with voxels
    -h, --help       Prints help information
        --objviz     In addition to the CSV, output an OBJ representing the voxelization (useful for debugging)
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --resolution <resolution>    Sets the resolution of the voxel output (i.e. num voxels per axis) [default: 100]

    <file>    Sets input OBJ file

In most cases you just want:

$ mesh2sculptr.exe yourmesh.obj

If you want higher resolution:

$ mesh2sculptr.exe yourmesh.obj --resolution 200

Importing the Data.csv to SculptrVR

From PLY-to-SculptrVR:

It's a little secret, actually - and it does only work for the PC version!

You have to move the Data.csv file into a folder named CSVs at the top-level of the SculptrVR installation folder.
Which is not your documents folder.

Here's a piece of my SteamLibrary to help you figure out where:

└── steamapps
    ├── common
    │   └── sculptrvr
    │       ├── Engine
    │       ├── SculptrVR
    │       │   ├── Binaries
    │       │   ├── Content
    │       │   ├── CSVs
    │       │   │   └── Data.csv
    │       │   └── Plugins
    │       └── SculptrVR.exe

If you created that folder and put Data.csv there, you may press ctrl-shift-L anytime in SculptrVR to load the data.
Be sure that the window has focus (if you see a steam dialog in front, click into SculptrVRs window).

After import you have to switch the layer to BLOCK rendering mode to see anything.