
Track popular posts on Tumblr to find currently trending

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Note: This README is in Markdown language. Best viewed at https://gist.github.com/fananta/5148911

Tumblr blog trend tracking system

CDF Environment: greywolf

Port: 30925

Note: To get it running on CDF: screen -> node server.js -> detach process from local user (Ctrl+A, Ctrl+D)

Team members

Peter Le Bek - c2lebekp

Kevin Dial - c0dialke

Fahd Ananta - c0ananta


POST /blog - Add a blog post

parameter description
blog a string indicating a new blog to track by its {base-hostname}
Response: HTTP status 200 if accepted

GET /blog/{base-hostname}/trends - Get trends for a particular blog

parameter description
limit (optional) the maximum number of results to return
order a string “Trending” or “Recent”

Response: {"trending":[{"url":"http://someurl.com","text":"Some text belonging to the post, if available","image":"http://image-url-from-post.com","date":"2013-03-13 9:15:00 EST","last_track":"2013-03-13 14:20:00 EST","last_count":450,"tracking":[{"timestamp":"2013-03-13 14:20:00 EST","sequence":3,"increment":15,"count":450},{"timestamp":"2013-03-13 13:20:00 EST","sequence":2,"increment":25,"count":435},{"timestamp":"2013-03-13 12:20:00 EST","sequence":1,"increment":10,"count":410}]},{...}],"order":"Trending","limit":10}

GET /blogs/trends - Get all tracked trends

parameter description
limit (optional) the maximum number of results to return
order a string “Trending” or “Recent”

Response: {"trending":[{"url":"http://someurl.com","text":"Some text belonging to the post, if available","image":"http://image-url-from-post.com","date":"2013-03-13 9:15:00 EST","last_track":"2013-03-13 14:20:00 EST","last_count":450,"tracking":[{"timestamp":"2013-03-13 14:20:00 EST","sequence":3,"increment":15,"count":450},{"timestamp":"2013-03-13 13:20:00 EST","sequence":2,"increment":25,"count":435},{"timestamp":"2013-03-13 12:20:00 EST","sequence":1,"increment":10,"count":410}]},{...}],"order":"Trending","limit":10}

How it works


We have the Server and Database modules. The Server invokes an initialization function to connect to the DB, and begin tracking. Each hour the track function is called to update the DB with new likes and posts on all tracked blogs.

The server works by routing and handling requests for three request types (as indicated above in the Usage section). The request handlers make the appropriate function calls to the Database module, retrieves the data, formats the result, and sends the JSON response. The Database module makes querying the DB simple by adding providing wrapper functions for necessary queries.


The database schema consists of two tables:

  • Table Blog to keep a list of blogs we are tracking
  • Table Tracklist to keep a list of every like from each blog

Each hour, we find all the likes for each blog and insert a new row for every like into the table Tracklist. This will result in multiple rows for every liked post.

Each row consists of the following attributes:

attribute description
*hostname The blog we are tracking
*post_id The id of the liked post
date The date the liked post was posted
*time_stamp The current time of the insertion
note_count The total note count of the liked post
note_delta The difference between the current total note count and previous total note count
* primary key

Example tables:

| Table Blog                              |
| hostname          | date_added          |
| kd300.tumblr.com  | 2013-03-12 21:00:00 |
| kddial.tumblr.com | 2013-03-12 21:00:00 |

| Table Tracklist                                                                                           |
| hostname          | post_id     | date                    | time_stamp          | note_count | note_delta |
| kd300.tumblr.com  | 31935089961 | 2012-09-20 19:41:58 GMT | 2013-03-12 21:00:00 |   12660085 |         23 |
| kddial.tumblr.com | 45189784396 | 2013-03-12 14:31:59 GMT | 2013-03-12 21:35:29 |        181 |          2 |