
A very simple address book

Primary LanguageJavaScriptDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


A very simple address book



OpenAddressBook store the datas in Redis. Install it, before.


Install project

git clone https://github.com/leblanc-simon/OpenAddressBook.git
cd OpenAddressBook
composer install
cp web/js/config.js.dist web/js/config.js

Configure webserver

Configure your webserver to redirect all nonexistent files to web/api.php. Example of .htaccess file :

DirectoryIndex index.html

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ api.php [QSA,L]

Configure application

If you want use the click2call, copy config/click2call.yml.dist to config/click2call.yml, configure it and activate click2call into the web/js/config.js (set click2call_enable to true)


Click2Call is available for Ovh, if you have an other provider, create a class implements \OpenAddressBook\Click2Call\Click2CallInterface and change the class name into the config/click2call.yml file

Connect to an external source

You can connect OpenAddressBook to an external source. Now, a connector for Odoo already exist.

To connect OpenAddressBook and Odoo

  • copy and edit config/command.yml.dist to config/command.yml
  • copy and edit config/odoo.yml.dist to config/odoo.yml
  • run bin/console address:retrieve

You can add the command bin/console address:retrieve into a cronjob to update the database periodically.

To connect OpenAddressBook and another external source

  • create a connector class which implements \OpenAddressBook\Connector\ConnectorInterface
  • create a item class which implements \OpenAddressBook\Connector\ItemInterface
  • copy config/command.yml.dist to config/command.yml
  • edit config/command.yml to indicate your class into the connector parameter and edit options parameters

You can show the \OpenAddressBook\Connector\Odoo\Connector and \OpenAddressBook\Connector\Odoo\Item classes for inspiration.

Manage multiple databases

If you want use OpenAddressBook with multiple databases, you can use environment variable OAB_BD_NAME :

  • Set environment variable in your PHP-FPM configuration
  • Or set environment variable in your Apache configuration
  • if you use Click2Call, name your parameter file with the OAB_BD_NAME, example :
    • with OAB_BD_NAME equals otherdb
    • name the parameter file config/click2call-otherdb.yml


Get all addresses

GET http://localhost/api/v1/address-books.json

Get an address

GET http://localhost/api/v1/address-books/1.json

Insert an address

POST -X "name=my-name&phone=+" http://localhost/api/v1/address-books.json

Update an address

POST -X "name=my-name&phone=+" http://localhost/api/v1/address-books/1.json

Remove an address

DELETE http://localhost/api/v1/address-books/1.json

Thanks to
