
Build, Test, Obfuscate, Package, Deploy; Manages all change management tasks: Infra, DB, Config.

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Since 2013 we have used this DevOps approach on all of our .NET projects. This project solves db, config, infrastructure change management and distributed team integration issues with run-initial-setup.ps1, run-after-update.ps1, and run-dbrestore.ps1. This is a key integration component to a complete continuous integration and continuous deployment system.

March 16, 2013 - DevOps: Integration, Deployment - Continuous Delivery

Usage Example

This is an archived repository and is unsupported.


Your devs use daily and locally execute: run-after-update.ps1, run-dbrestore.ps1. TeamCity runs your continuous integration and outputs nuget artifacts our script creates that can be integrated into octopus deploy for continuous deployment.


  1. Download this project into a folder called "_RobustHaven.DevOps" in the root of your project folder.

Git repos can do this:

git submodule add https://github.com/leblancmeneses/RobustHaven.DevOps.git _RobustHaven.DevOps

SVN repos can use svn externals to accomplish the same.

  1. "_RobustHaven.DevOps" expects the following project structure on your root.
	_RobustHaven.DevOps - readonly; never change.
	build - should contain:  _init.include, _init.ps1
	Database - should contain: nested folders of names of your databases that contain .sql migration scripts.
	InfraScripts - should contain: .ps1 migration scripts.

Your can copy _RobustHaven.DevOps\SampleRoot and update build_init.ps1.
"build_init.ps1" is your build definition and hook into the "_RobustHaven.DevOps" build system.

  1. TeamCity integration "Script source:" section:
	$ScriptPath = pwd
	& "$ScriptPath\tools\psake.\tools\psake.ps1" -buildFile "$ScriptPath\Build.ps1" -taskList default -properties @{ IsInTeamBuild=$true; DevEnvironment='production'; PassYourCustomVariables=$false; }
	if($psake.build_success -eq $false){exit 1} else {exit 0}