
Responsive landing page template with e-mail input.

Primary LanguageCSS

Landing page template

Responsive landing page template with e-mail input.

Landing pages can be used to test customer demand before building a minimum viable product or to gather a mailing list for a product launch.


Landing page template screenshot

Background image by Bruno Marinho (unsplash.com).

Getting started

Search and replace these strings to fit your product and you're good to go!


  • LANDINGPAGE_URL: the URL of the landing page
  • META_DESCRIPTION: the description of your page (meta HTML tag)
  • SOCIALMEDIA_THUMBNAIL: image to be used on social media sharing sites
  • SOCIALMEDIA_TITLE: title to be used on social media sharing sites
  • SOCIALMEDIA_COMPANY: company or author to be used on social media sharing sites
  • PAGE_TITLE: title HTML tag
  • GOOGLEANALYTICS_UA: your Google Analytics web property id e.g. UA-12345678-1
  • GOOGLEANALYTICS_TITLE: the page title as you want it to appear in Google Analytics
  • HEADER1: the first line of text (your tagline)
  • HEADER2: the second line of text (a message informing the user to enter their e-mail address)
  • SUBMIT_BUTTON: text of the submit button
  • EMAIL_PLACEHOLDER: placeholder of the e-mail textbox


  • SUBMIT_SUCCESS: message shown on the button when the e-mail address has been saved
  • SUBMIT_ERROR: generic error message shown on the button when an error occured, such as invalid e-mail or server error


  • DB_HOST: database host
  • DB_NAME: database name
  • DB_USER: database user
  • DB_PASSWORD: database password

Warning: there is no rate limiting or e-mail address format validation.