
Interpreter for Monty ByteCodes files.

Primary LanguageC

Monty Bytecode Interpreter

The Monty Bytecode Interpreter is a program that reads and executes Monty bytecode files.


To run the Monty Bytecode Interpreter, use the following command:

./monty file

where file is the path to the Monty bytecode file you want to execute.


The Monty bytecode language supports the following instructions:

  • push <value>: Pushes an integer value to the stack.
  • pall: Prints all the values on the stack, starting from the top.
  • pint: Prints the value at the top of the stack.
  • pop: Removes the top element of the stack.
  • swap: Swaps the top two elements of the stack.
  • add: Adds the top two elements of the stack.
  • nop: Does nothing.
  • ... (more instructions)

Additional instructions may be added to the language in the future.

Example Monty Bytecode File

Here is an example Monty bytecode file that adds two numbers:

push 1$
push 2$
push 3$

Running this file with the Monty Bytecode Interpreter will output:


Error Handling

The Monty Bytecode Interpreter includes error handling for the following cases:

  • Invalid instructions: If an unknown instruction is encountered, an error message will be displayed with the line number and the unknown instruction. The interpreter will exit with a failure status.
  • File opening failure: If the specified bytecode file cannot be opened, an error message will be displayed. The interpreter will exit with a failure status.

Implementation Details

The Monty Bytecode Interpreter is implemented in C programming language. The main functionality is contained in the process_file.c file. Additional helper functions and data structures are defined in separate files.

Building the Interpreter

To build the Monty Bytecode Interpreter, use the following command:

gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o monty

This will compile all the necessary source files and generate an executable named monty.