
Sorting algorithms & Big O

Primary LanguageC

0x1B. C - Sorting algorithms & Big O

This repository contains several sorting algorithms implemented in C. Each algorithm is designed to sort an array of integers or a deck of cards in ascending order.


Task Description
Task 1 Bubble Sort - Write a function that sorts an array of integers using the Bubble Sort algorithm.
Task 2 Insertion Sort List - Write a function that sorts a doubly linked list of integers using the Insertion Sort algorithm.
Task 3 Selection Sort - Write a function that sorts an array of integers using the Selection Sort algorithm.
Task 4 Quick Sort - Write a function that sorts an array of integers using the Quick Sort algorithm.
Task 5 Shell Sort - Write a function that sorts an array of integers using the Shell Sort algorithm.
Task 6 Cocktail Shaker Sort - Write a function that sorts an array of integers using the Cocktail Shaker Sort algorithm.
Task 7 Counting Sort - Write a function that sorts an array of integers using the Counting Sort algorithm.
Task 8 Merge Sort - Write a function that sorts an array of integers using the Merge Sort algorithm.
Task 9 Radix Sort (LSD) - Write a function that sorts an array of integers using the Radix Sort algorithm.
Task 10 Bitonic Sort - Write a function that sorts an array of integers using the Bitonic Sort algorithm.
Task 11 Quick Sort (Hoare Partition Scheme) - Write a function that sorts an array of integers using the Quick Sort algorithm with the Hoare partition scheme.
Task 12 Sort Deck of Cards - Write a function that sorts a deck of cards in ascending order. The deck is represented as a doubly linked list.

How to Compile and Run

To compile and run any of the sorting algorithms, you can use the gcc compiler with the following command:

gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -std=gnu89 <main_file.c> <sorting_algorithm.c> <print_array.c> -o <output_name>