#BlaidonWebApplication Web Application for a small service-business Developed a web application for a service Company that does printing, branding, electrical work, flooring, plumbing and much more.
The application showcases the company's products & services and has features that include:
User Account Registration and Login(user page to see all their Service Requests/Bookings). Service Enquiry System that allows users to enquire about a specific service or product and that enquiry is sent directly to the company's email service. A Service Request/Booking system that allows registered users to book a service and that service can be seen by the Company's admin personnel(Admin Dashboard). Administration Dashboard to manage registered users, enquiries made, and service requests/bookings. We developed all the website pages and designed a fully functional Database. Technologies used:
Frontend (HTML5, CSS, & JavaScript), Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SQL_Server), Microsoft Visual Studio (C# & ASP.NET MVC)