
一個用來繞過blog.csdn.net的登入限制,在未登入狀態下直接選取/複製code block中程式碼的瀏覽器插件

Primary LanguageJavaScript

blog.csdn.net without login




  • "登入後複製"的懸浮按鈕會變成"Copy",點擊後不會提示登入,會直接複製Code Block中的所有文字

  • 可以任意選取Code Block中的文字



Usage (Chrome, Edge)

  1. git clone https://github.com/lebr0nli/blog-csdn-without-login.git or download the zip

  2. Open chrome://extensions or edge://extensions in a new tab.

  3. Enable "Developer mode" at the top-right of your Chrome or left of your Edge.

  4. Drag this folder(blog-csdn-without-login/) into the page or click the "Load unpacked" button that just appeared then select the folder.

  5. Enjoy!

Usage (iOS/iPadOS/MacOS Safari)

  1. Download userscripts

  2. Read the docs of userscripts and enable userscripts on your device

  3. Open blog-csdn-without-login.user.js in a new tab and open userscripts in your safari to download this extension

  4. Enjoy!