
Jupyter notebook client in Emacs

Primary LanguageEmacs LispGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

EIN -- Emacs IPython Notebook Build Status MELPA development version MELPA stable version

--- or EIN Is not only for Notebooks.

Emacs IPython Notebook (EIN) lets you edit and run Jupyter (formerly IPython) notebooks within Emacs. It channels all the power of Emacs without the idiosyncrasies of in-browser editing.

EIN was originally written by tkf. More complete documentation is available.


Install from MELPA (recommended) or make install from github source. You will need to install Cask for the latter. See the online documentation for more information.


Launch a local session

M-x ein:jupyter-server-start (aliased M-x ein:run) launches a jupyter process from emacs.

Login to a local or remote session

M-x ein:notebooklist-login (aliased M-x ein:login) to a running jupyter server.

Jupyter services relayed over HTTP such as mybinder.org and coursera.org require cookie authentication. In these instances you need to issue C-u M-x ein:login to be prompted for cookie information. See the Wiki for more information.

Open a notebook file

Open an .ipynb file and press C-c C-z.

Highlighted Features

  • Copy/paste cells, even to/from different notebooks.
  • Console integration: You can easily connect to a kernel via the console application. This enables you to start debugging in the same kernel. It is even possible to connect to a console over ssh.
  • An IPython kernel can be "connected" to any buffer. This enables you to evaluate a buffer or buffer region using the same kernel as the notebook. Notebook goodies such as tooltip help, help browser and code completion are available in these buffers.
  • Jump to definition (go to the definition by hitting M-. over an object).
  • Projectile-like file navigation via C-c C-o.
  • Limited JupyterHub support.

Org-mode Integration

EIN now integrates with org-mode! The code was heavily inspired by ob-ipython which is another project very much worth checking out. Find it on MELPA.


Plotting in Emacs IPython Notebook
EIN connecting to an R kernel

See more!

Keybindings - Notebook

key             binding
---             -------

C-c          Prefix Command
C-x          Prefix Command
ESC          Prefix Command
C-:          ein:shared-output-eval-string
<C-down>     ein:worksheet-goto-next-input
<C-up>               ein:worksheet-goto-prev-input
<M-S-return> ein:worksheet-execute-cell-and-insert-below
<M-down>     ein:worksheet-move-cell-down
<M-up>               ein:worksheet-move-cell-up

C-x C-s              ein:notebook-save-notebook-command
C-x C-w              ein:notebook-rename-command

M-RET                ein:worksheet-execute-cell-and-goto-next
M-,          ein:pytools-jump-back-command
M-.          ein:pytools-jump-to-source-command
M-n          ein:worksheet-next-input-history
M-p          ein:worksheet-previous-input-history

C-c C-a              ein:worksheet-insert-cell-above
C-c C-b              ein:worksheet-insert-cell-below
C-c C-c              ein:worksheet-execute-cell
C-c C-d              ein:worksheet-toggle-slide-type
C-c C-e              ein:worksheet-toggle-output
C-c C-f              ein:file-open
C-c C-h              ein:pytools-request-tooltip-or-help
C-c TAB              ein:completer-complete
C-c C-k              ein:worksheet-kill-cell
C-c C-l              ein:worksheet-clear-output
C-c RET              ein:worksheet-merge-cell
C-c C-n              ein:worksheet-goto-next-input
C-c C-o              ein:notebook-open
C-c C-p              ein:worksheet-goto-prev-input
C-c C-q              ein:notebook-kill-kernel-then-close-command
C-c C-r              ein:notebook-reconnect-session-command
C-c C-s              ein:worksheet-split-cell-at-point
C-c C-t              ein:worksheet-toggle-cell-type
C-c C-u              ein:worksheet-change-cell-type
C-c C-v              ein:worksheet-set-output-visibility-all
C-c C-w              ein:worksheet-copy-cell
C-c C-x              Prefix Command
C-c C-y              ein:worksheet-yank-cell
C-c C-z              ein:notebook-kernel-interrupt-command
C-c ESC              Prefix Command
C-c !                ein:worksheet-rename-sheet
C-c '                ein:edit-cell-contents
C-c +                ein:notebook-worksheet-insert-next
C-c -                ein:notebook-worksheet-delete
C-c 1                ein:notebook-worksheet-open-1th
C-c 2                ein:notebook-worksheet-open-2th
C-c 3                ein:notebook-worksheet-open-3th
C-c 4                ein:notebook-worksheet-open-4th
C-c 5                ein:notebook-worksheet-open-5th
C-c 6                ein:notebook-worksheet-open-6th
C-c 7                ein:notebook-worksheet-open-7th
C-c 8                ein:notebook-worksheet-open-8th
C-c 9                ein:notebook-worksheet-open-last
C-c S                ein:worksheet-toggle-slideshow-view
C-c i                ein:inspect-object
C-c {                ein:notebook-worksheet-open-prev-or-last
C-c }                ein:notebook-worksheet-open-next-or-first
C-c C-S-l    ein:worksheet-clear-all-output
C-c C-#              ein:notebook-close
C-c C-$              ein:tb-show
C-c C-'              ein:worksheet-turn-on-autoexec
C-c C-,              ein:pytools-jump-back-command
C-c C-.              ein:pytools-jump-to-source-command
C-c C-/              ein:notebook-scratchsheet-open
C-c C-;              ein:shared-output-show-code-cell-at-point
C-c <down>   ein:worksheet-move-cell-down
C-c <up>     ein:worksheet-move-cell-up

C-c C-x C-l  ein:notebook-toggle-latex-fragment
C-c C-x C-r  ein:notebook-restart-session-command

C-c M-+              ein:notebook-worksheet-insert-prev
C-c M-w              ein:worksheet-copy-cell
C-c M-{              ein:notebook-worksheet-move-prev
C-c M-}              ein:notebook-worksheet-move-next

Keybindings - Connect

In Python (or any other) buffer, you can connect to any open notebook by M-x ein:connect-to-notebook then choose appropriate notebook. After connecting to the notebook (and hence its kernel), the following commands are available.

key             binding
---             -------

C-c          Prefix Command
ESC          Prefix Command
C-:          ein:shared-output-eval-string

M-,          ein:pytools-jump-back-command
M-.          ein:pytools-jump-to-source-command

C-c C-a              ein:connect-toggle-autoexec
C-c C-c              ein:connect-run-or-eval-buffer
C-c C-h              ein:pytools-request-tooltip-or-help
C-c TAB              ein:completer-complete
C-c C-l              ein:connect-reload-buffer
C-c C-o              ein:console-open
C-c C-r              ein:connect-eval-region
C-c C-x              ein:tb-show
C-c C-z              ein:connect-pop-to-notebook
C-c C-,              ein:pytools-jump-back-command
C-c C-.              ein:pytools-jump-to-source-command
C-c C-/              ein:notebook-scratchsheet-open



Emacs IPython Notebook is licensed under GPL v3. See COPYING for details.