This is the open source project KaMIS - Karlsruhe Maximum Independent Sets. Given a graph G=(V,E), the goal of the maximum independent set problem is to compute a maximum cardinality set of vertices I, such that no vertices in the set are adjacent to one another. Such a set is called a maximum independent set. The problem is NP-hard and particularly difficult to solve in large sparse graphs.
Main project site:
Compile the source by running The binaries can then be found in the folder deploy. To compile the programs you need g++, OpenMP and cmake installed.
To convert a graph from DIMACS to METIS format or sort its edges you can use the python scripts in the misc folder.
The version of our framework currently contains the following algorithms:
- redumis -- run an evolutionary algorithm on a reduced graph
- onlinemis -- local search pruned with reductions
- weighted_branch_reduce -- a branch and reduce algorithm for weighed maximum independent sets
- weighted_local_search -- a local search algorithm for weighed maximum independent sets
- If you want to use the solver that one the vertex cover track of the PACE Challenge, go here
Furthermore, the framework contains tools to make life a little bit easier:
- sort_adjacencies -- takes a graph file and sorts the neighborhoods of vertices (this is required by our algorithms)
- graphchecker -- check if the graph file you gave to algorithm is in the correct format
redumis FILE [options]
This is a brief overview of the most important options. For a full description, please take a look at the user guide.
Path to graph file that you want the maximum independent set for.
Print help.
Write the log to the console.
Path to store the resulting independent set.
Seed to use for the random number generator.
Config to use for the evolutionary algorithm [standard|social].
Time limit until the algorithm terminates.
online_mis FILE [options]
This is a brief overview of the most important options. For a full description, please take a look at the user guide.
Path to graph file that you want the maximum independent set for.
Print help.
Write the log to the console.
Path to store the resulting independent set.
Seed to use for the random number generator.
Time limit until the algorithm terminates.
Use adaptive greedy solution
weighted_branch_reduce FILE [options]
weighted_local_search FILE [options]
This is a brief overview of the most important options. For a full description, please take a look at the user guide.
Path to graph file that you want the maximum independent set for.
Print help.
Write the log to the console.
Path to store the resulting independent set.
Seed to use for the random number generator.
Time limit until the algorithm terminates.
Choose how the weights are assigned. Can be either: file (default), hybrid, uniform, geometric.
Choose the type of reductions appropriate for the input graph. Can be either: normal/sparse (default), dense/osm.
sort_adjacencies FILE
The program reads a Metis file, sorts the neighborhood of each node and prints the graph to the console.
graphchecker FILE
The program reads a Metis file and checks the file for correctness.
The project is released under MIT. However, some files used for kernelization are released under the BSD 3-clause license. See the respective files for their license. If you publish results using our algorithms, please acknowledge our work by quoting one or more of the following papers:
author = {Sebastian Lamm and
Peter Sanders and
Christian Schulz and
Darren Strash and
Renato F. Werneck},
title = {Finding near-optimal independent sets at scale},
journal = {J. Heuristics},
volume = {23},
number = {4},
pages = {207--229},
year = {2017},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/s10732-017-9337-x},
timestamp = {Fri, 27 Dec 2019 21:13:52 +0100},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
If you use fast kernelization routines (note that this is the default), the please also cite the following:
author = {Demian Hespe and
Christian Schulz and
Darren Strash},
title = {Scalable Kernelization for Maximum Independent Sets},
journal = {{ACM} Journal of Experimental Algorithmics},
volume = {24},
number = {1},
pages = {1.16:1--1.16:22},
year = {2019},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3355502},
timestamp = {Fri, 27 Mar 2020 08:38:35 +0100},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
If you use OnlineMIS, then please also cite the following:
author = {Jakob Dahlum and
Sebastian Lamm and
Peter Sanders and
Christian Schulz and
Darren Strash and
Renato F. Werneck},
title = {Accelerating Local Search for the Maximum Independent Set Problem},
booktitle = {15th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms {SEA}},
pages = {118--133},
year = {2016},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {9685},
publisher = {Springer},
url = {\_9}
If you use the weighted independents set algorithms, please also cite the following:
author = {Sebastian Lamm and
Christian Schulz and
Darren Strash and
Robert Williger and
Huashuo Zhang},
title = {Exactly Solving the Maximum Weight Independent Set Problem on Large Real-World Graphs},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twenty-First Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments, {ALENEX} 2019},
pages = {144--158},
year = {2019},
url = {},
doi = {10.1137/1.9781611975499.12},
publisher = {{SIAM}},
year = {2019}