
Primary LanguageMakefile


Source files are in src/


To get the invariants of the image beetle-1 just type ./src/invariants database/beetle-1.pgm. To create a data.csv containing the invariants of every examples of the database, execute script ./src/getInvar.sh > data.csv


This tool outputs different results of the preprocessing for the same image. Type ./src/preprocessing database/beetle-1.pgm.

Modified images

A database image can be modified in three ways : imgRotate, imgScale, imgAddNoise. To test the classification of randomly modified images, type zsh scriptClassification.sh. The recognition works perfectly when Rank is 1. The result is nearly always Rank < 4.


To show the 9 neighbors of a given image like beetle-1, do python3 src/classification.py database/beetle-1.pgm 9 v. Removing v gives the probability of matching for each class of classes.csv.

Similarity measure between two images

  • values must be in [0,1]
  • 1 means "similar"

Classification evaluation

  • the tool must output (standard output) a list of 70 values between 0 and 1 (classification score or probability to belong to the class)

  • getRank returns the rank of a given class in a given classification score.