Eversports class booking

Script to book a specific class on a specific date, meant to run as a cron job.


Copy credentials_template.json to credentials.json and fill in the required information. The Eversports API is called using the mobile authentication mechanism. In order to get the information use e.g. the Burp Suite and capture some request. You should find the deviceId and a Baerer Token in the header.

  • deviceId: You phones device id
  • token: Baerer Token in the header
  • facilityId: Id of the facility you want to go
  • membershipId: Do a booking on your phone using the Burp Suite as proxy, you should get your membership id in one of the requests.


Enter the days (Monday: 1, ..Sunday: 7) into the array where you want to book a class. For other details, see the source code.

Cron job

Run the job e.g. every day at 8am.

0 8 * * * python3 <path/booking.py>