
Probabilistic programming in Lean 4

Primary LanguageLean

Probabilistic programming in Lean 4

Experiment in writing probabilistic programs in Lean and proving their properties.

For example a simple program that throws a dice and throws again on six.

def throwDice : Rand ℕ :=
  let n ~ (randNat 1 6)
  if n ≠ 6 then
    let m ~ (randNat 1 6)
    n + m

throwDice is a random variable and we can compute its probability density function with respect to the counting measure on natural numbers.

#check throwDice2.pdf' .count

which returns

fun y ↦
    1/6 * ∑ n in Icc 1 6,
      if n = 6 then
        1/6 * ∑ n_1 in Icc 1 6, if n + n_1 = y then 1 else 0
        if n = y then 1 else 0

Installation and build instructions

To install Lean follow the manual. Then run these commands

git clone https://github.com/lecopivo/Probly.git
cd Probly
lake exe cache get
lake build