MPB(1) General Commands Manual MPB(1) NAME mpb - more progress bar SYNOPSIS mpb [-o] [-v] [-s] [-wWIDTH] [TOTAL] DESCRIPTION Show progress of lines read from stdin in stderr. OPTIONS -o output stdin to stdout -v show current line -s show activity spinner -wWIDTH set width of progress bar (default = 32) TOTAL number of lines expected to be read until completion of task if TOTAL is not given or it is zero, the progress bar will not be shown EXAMPLES Use seq(1) to test drive mpb: $ n=5000; seq $n | mpb -vsw50 $n Show path of file currently being extracted by tar(1) (without progress bar): $ tar vxf foo.tgz | mpb -v Pre-compute the number of files in archive to add extraction progress bar: $ f=foo.tgz; n=$(tar tf $f | wc -l); tar vxf $f | mpb -v $n 2020-04-02 MPB(1)