(If you get stuck at one part, try the other part)
Run the cell below to load the machinery for testing your work, and then
- import the numpy library with the alias 'np'
#Run this cell without changes
from test_background import test_dict, run_test
#Your code here
Create a variable called x that is a list of 100 0s
#Your code here
#test by running this cell
run_test(x, 'x1')
Find another way to create a list of 100 0s; assign it to a new variable called y
#Your code here
#test by running this cell
run_test(y, 'y1')
Turn x and y into numpy arrays
#Your code here
#run this cell to test yer x
run_test(x, 'x2')
#run this cell to test yer y
run_test(y, 'y2')
In both x and y, insert all of the first 100 positive integers in-between the 0s
With x, start inserting at index 0
With y, start at index 1
Hint: couple ways to do this, but here's one
#Your code here
#run this cell to test yer x
run_test(x, 'x3')
#run this cell to test yer y
run_test(y, 'y3')
Remove all the 0s from both x and y
Use different methods of removal for x and y
#Your code here
#run this cell to test yer x
run_test(x, 'x4')
#run this cell to test yer y
run_test(y, 'y4')
(This is a little bit more math-y than the content we've covered so far)
First import pyplot from matplotlib under the alias plt
Also, run the command %matplotlib inline
so that jupyter renders the plots inside the notebook
#Your code here
Picture a circle perfectly circumscribed inside a unit square
or just look at the viz below
The area of the unit square is 1
The radius of the circle is
If we randomly throw points inside the square:
$ \lim \limits_{points \to \infty} (
$ \lim \limits_{{points} \to \infty} (
So, if we randomly throw a finite number of points in the square,
We're going to create a plot that, inside of a unit square whose lower-left corner is at (0,0):
- plots 1000 random points
- colors them differently if they're inside or outside an inscribed circle
Then, we'll calculate our estimate for pi
Two s t r e t c h goals:
- calculate the error of the estimate
- turn our work into a function that can recreate what we've done with an arbitrary number of points
First we're going to create the points to throw inside the square.
Use numpy to create a variable
that has 1000 randomly drawn floats (a numerical data type which has decimals, as opposed tointegers
which don't) between 0 and 1. -
Use numpy to creat another variable
that has a different set of 1000 randomly-drawn floats b/t 0 and 1.
These are the x and y coordinates for the random points we'll throw at the square and inscribed circle
- Also, run
at the top of the cell
This "seeds" the pseudorandom number generator to produce the same numbers each time the variables are instantiated
#Your code here
#run this cell to check yer x
run_test(x, 'x5')
#run this cell to check yer y
run_test(y, 'y5')
The x and y coordinates of the points inside the circle are $$ (x^2 + y^2)<=\frac{1}{2} $$
Select all the points in x inside the circle and assign them to the variable inside_x
Do the same thing for the points in y, and assign them to the variable inside_y
Hint 1: For 1D arrays, addition and multiplication operates element by element. Boolean selection of a 1D array also operates element by element.
Eg if ex1 = np.array([1,2,3])
and ex2 = np.array([5,6,7])
"at each index value,
if (the value of ex1 at that index)*5 +
(the value of ex2 at that index)*10 < 80,
include the value of ex1 at that index"
Hint 2: the formula for a circle centered at (h,k) with radius r is
#Your code here
#run this cell to check inside_x
run_test(inside_x, 'inside_x')
#run this cell to check inside_y
run_test(inside_y, 'inside_y')
Do the same thing for the points that lie within the square but outside the circle
Ie, select all the points in x and y that satisfy the condition $$ (x^2 + y^2)>\frac{1}{2} $$ assign them to the variables outside_x and outside_y, respectively
#Your code here
# #run this cell to check outside_x
run_test(outside_x, 'outside_x')
#run this cell to check outside_y
run_test(outside_y, 'outside_y')
Now, create a scatter plot of the "inside circle" points. Color them blue, with alpha=.8 and edgecolor=None.
Create another scatter plot of the "outside circle" points. Color them red, same alpha / edgecolor as above.
Plot both scatter plots in the same graph.
Call the title of the graph "Random Points Distributed across Inscribed Circle in Unit Square to Estimate Pi".
#Your code here
You should produce a figure like the one below (which has a figsize(20,10) and used ax.set_aspect('equal'), fyi)
Now, calculate your
Create the following variables:
the number of pts inside the circle
- name this variable pts_in_circle
the number of pts outside the circle
- name this variable pts_out_circle
an estimate for
$\pi$ that uses pts_in_circle and pts_out_circle- name this variable pi_est
S t r e t c h goal 1
- a calculation of the pct error of pi_est
- name this variable pi_est_error_pct
Print a sentence using the above variables that includes the estimate of pi and how many points it's based on
(and the error, if you get that far)
#Your code here
#run this cell to test pts_in_circle, pts_out_circle, pi_est
print(pair[1]+f'? {run_test(pair[0], pair[1])}')
for pair in
zip(objects, obj_names)
#run this cell to test pct error
run_test(pi_est_error_pct, 'pi_est_error_pct')
#run this cell to test rounded pct error
run_test(pi_est_error_pct_rounded, 'pi_est_error_pct_rounded')
S t r e t c h goal 2
Turn your work into a function that:
can take as a parameter an arbitrary number of points to estimate pi
prints a graph like the one above
returns {'pi_estimate': pi_est, 'est_error_pct': pi_est_error_pct}