
Dev automation for application with staging and live environment.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Git workflow for application with staging and live environment. All features are merged with staging branch and from there- released on staging system. When feature is ready - it is merged with master and from there released to live system.


Create copy of config-empty.sh to config.sh and edit following values:

  • WF_REPO - git remote respository
  • WF_PROJECT_ROOT - directory where project is cloned

Tool expects that you have previosly cloned master to your local system.

Tool works with ssh so you need to have setup ssh-key-paris.

WF_DEBUG and WF_VERBOSE are not used at the moment.

You need to get something like that:

## configuration values

export WF_REPO=git@github.com:lecturio/workflows.git
export WF_PROJECT_ROOT="/projects/workflows"
export WF_DEBUG=0
export WF_VERBOSE=0


cd workflows

Creates symlink in /usr/local/bin/gitflow.

From now on workflow.sh command can be replaced with gitflow.

You can use gitflow in your current project dir.

Git Commands Manifesto

Please check follwoing guide


Server Setup

  • live server
  • staging server

Branch setup

  • master- deployed on live server
  • rebase with feature (one time)
  • staging- deployed on staging server
  • feature
  • created from master
  • cherry-picked - until feature is approved to staging (multiple times)
  • rebase with master - retrieve changes from master (multiple times)


Tool have following pattern: ./workflow.sh [FEATURE] [GOAL] [OPTION] where:

  • FEATURE - XXX-001
  • GOAL
  • in-progress
  • resolved, option sync
  • deployed
  • closed
  • OPTION - some goals have additional options like resolved

In progress

Creates feature branch from master branch.


gitflow XXX-001 in-progress
  • Create branch XXX-001 (if branch is missing on remote and in local repo). Push branch to remote.
  • Switch branch from local or checkout from remote.
  • Update branch from remote feature branch.


Review merge files before make commit to staging branch.


gitflow XXX-001 resolved

Review cherry-pick changes. If merge is ok - they are ready for commit.


Resolving of conflicts - use git add or git rm. When conflict is resolved move to git cherry-pick --continue.

Use git status to review modified files. Abort - restart goal. Changes - git log to ensure status of your changes.

After resolving run:

gitflow XXX-001 resolved sync

Resolved Sync

Option to commit changes to staging and push to staging. Changes can be commit from IDE or with `git commit -am "Commit message"


gitflow XXX-001 resolved sync

Creates tracking branches and push changes to staging remote.

gitflow XXX-001 resolved sync -m "Commit message"

Commit changes to staging branch and push changes to staging remote.


Sync changes from feature branch to master branch. One-time operation. After is ready branch must be closed. This is end of the working cycle.


gitflow XXX-001 deployable

Rebase master to feature branch. Rebase feature branch to master branch. Review your changes. Push to master must be created manually - from IDE or with git push origin master.


Most likely conflicts are on first step - rebase master to feature branch. Rebase feature branch to master usually are fast-forwarded.

Resolving of conflicts - use git add or git rm. When conflict is resolved move to git rebase --continue.

Use git status to check where are the conflicts and on with step (rebase master to feature branch or rebase feature to master).

Abort - restart goal. Changes - git log to ensure status of your changes.

After resolving conflict run again

gitflow XXX-001 deployable



gitflow XXX-001 closed

script will pop out the code which needs to be executed to delete local and remote branch


  • Create feature branch from master
  • Push feature as remote feature branch
  • Working on the feature (commit and push)
  • Rebase with master during feature development to be kept up to date
  • Cherry-pick new changes to staging (multiple times)
  • Rebase master with feature (end of flow). Start from begging.


When gitflow is run for the first time it adds copletion to ~/.profile file.

For linux execute . ~/.bashrc. For other systems . ~/.profile.

If you lack git-completion you'll miss branches names completion in gitflow as well. You can install git autocompletion.

gitflow mas[tab] #completes local branches
gitflow origin/[tab] #completes remote branches


  • Execute gitflow XXX-001 resolved sync before gitflow XXX-001 resolved

  • You need to delete latest track branch from local and remote e.g. git push origin :XXX-001-track-[latest] and git branch -d XXX-001-track-[latest]. latest- biggest number 1,2,3 and etc.

  • Run gitflow XXX-001 resolved again

  • Resolved with lots of conflicts in feature branch

If you have some simmilar when you run gitflow XXX-001 resolved on step where feature branch is updated with its origin you get this:

On branch XXX-001
Your branch and 'origin/XXX-001' have diverged,
and have 20 and 1 different commit each, respectively.
  (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)

but you have latest changes on remote feature branch.

  • Solution 1

  • git rebase --abort

  • wait a while

  • run gitflow XXX-001 resolved

  • Solution 2

  • git checkout master

  • git branch -D XXX-001

  • gitflow XXX-001 in-progress

  • gitflow XXX-001 resolved

It seems github needs some time for synchronization.

Version History

Please use version 0.0.2.RELEASE

  • 0.0.2.RELEASE

  • Autocomplete for remote branches

  • Fixed emit output and usage ot print_msg

  • Fixed correct exist status code when emit print_msg is used

  • Autocompletion of branches

  • Prune local branches on goal execution

  • Fixed quiet execution always to finish with code 0

  • Added goal bash auto-completion

  • -m="Comment" is -m "Comment" (without equal sign)

  • Fixed resolved sync work with tracking branches gt 10

  • 0.0.1.RELEASE

  • goals - resolved, in-progress, deployable

  • self update check


  • closed goal is not implemented
  • staging must be called devel