
an r course for pirates

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an r course for pirates

lecture 1: intro

to dos

  • Instructions to set a working directory (project folder)

lecture 2: function

to dos

  • Recreate information on slides after watching Computers Netflix episode
  • Ending slides, brainstorming how we will introduce tidyverse and do Hello World activity (do we still want to do this?)
  • Homework assignment
  • What drew me into computers

lecture 3: tidyverse

to dos

  • Create homework assignment
    • look for new another dataset (not babynames) for homework assignment
  • Add to how loading library is analogous to the code needed for detecting pressure when we click on an app on our phone
  • bare bones R script

lecture 4: data

to dos

  • Find external CSV file that we can corrupt ourselves and have students clean up
  • Figure out what we can mutate into our imported data set

lecture 5: ggplot2

to dos

  • link Github repo to R Studio