
PHP wrapper for Invoice Ninja's REST API

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Invoice Ninja SDK

We're starting work on custom modules, join the discussion here.


Add the Invoice Ninja SDK

composer require invoiceninja/sdk-php


use InvoiceNinja\Config as NinjaConfig;
use InvoiceNinja\Models\Client;

NinjaConfig::setToken('Your Token');
  • To connect to the hosted version use https://app.invoiceninja.com/api/v1 as the URL.
  • You can either use the free hosted trial or install the app to create an API token.


  • Clients
  • Invoices/Quotes
  • Products
  • Payments
  • Tasks
  • Vendors
  • Expenses
  • TaxRates

Retrieving Models

Retrieve all clients

$clients = Client::all();

Retrieve a client by its primary key.

$client = Client::find(1);

Inserting & Updating Models

Create a new client

$client = new Client('test@example.com');

Update an existing client

$client->vat_number = '123456';

Create an invoice

$invoice = $client->createInvoice();
$invoice->addInvoiceItem('Item', 'Some notes', 10);

Download an invoice PDF

$pdf = $invoice->download();

Deleting Models



Register subscription for new client


Convert posted data to a model

$client = Client::hydrate($input);

Currently supported for clients, invoices, quotes and payments

To Do

  • Improve validation and error handling
  • Create documentation