
A simple tic-tac-toe-like board game having movable pieces with AI implementation.

Primary LanguagePython


Extended version of tic-tac-toe game.

Short Description:

Move-tac-toe, self-coined name for this game, is a modified form of tic-tac-toe game where the number of pieces for each player is limited to 3, and the players should move their pieces after finishing up their 3 pieces. The objective of this game is to arrange the like pieces linearly and the game is won by whoever does that first with his/her pieces. User can play against AI.


  • Python 3
  • Tkinter (Python GUI library)
  • Playsound (Python audio library)


Install tkinter and playsound by executing the following commands in the terminal.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python3-tk
$ sudo pip install playsound


  • Run main.py with python3 as the interpreter(shebang would take care in our file) and the game will be started with a pop-up containing some instructions.
  • Single click will allow the filling of the pieces in the empty locations.
  • When all the pieces (3 per player) of a player are filled, then each player can move his/her piece by dragging.