
SGoV server and tooling

Primary LanguageJava


This repository contains web services for SGoV workspace tools:

  • user management
  • user authentication
  • workspace validation

Workspace Validation

There is a web service for validating Semantic Government Vocabulary (SGoV). It includes checking consistency and compliance of glossaries and models according to predefined rules. These rules check:

  • glossaries - e.g. "each glossary concept at least one skos:prefLabel"
  • models - e.g. OntoUML relationships like "each Role concept must (transitively) inherit from a Kind concept"
  • interplay between glossaries and models - e.g. "each glossary concept should be used in the model"

The project consists of the following modules:

  • validator - the actual validation logic. It consists of SHACL rules and a simple wrapper to evaluate them over a Jena model.
  • server - web service for workspace validation. It connects to a remote SPARQL endpoint and validates vocabulary data in a workspaces by loading them first in memory and running the validator.

Proposing validation changes

The best way to propose validation rule changes is to:

  1. create a new issue using template 'Validation Change Request' template. Describe (i) why a you request to change validation (to add a new rule/change an existing one), (ii) describe use-case/example. The issue is given a number
  2. create a new branch of the form '-'
  3. implement the changes and create a pull request. If the pull request passes all automatic checks, ask one of the maintainers to approve.
  4. Once approved, merge PR into master


You can specify host/port of the validated RDF4J repository in server/src/main/resources/application.yml

gradle bootRun

Creating an executable JAR

Create the JAR using

gradle bootJar

Now you can run the server like

java -jar server/build/libs/sgov-server.jar

IDE configuration

Intellij Idea

To manage source code it is recommended to install plugins:

Static code analysis rules are defined in file ./config/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml. In order to set up this checkstyle in Intellij Idea IDE following steps are recommended:

  1. Import the file into project checkstyle scheme using Settings/Editor/Code Style/Java/Import Scheme/Checkstyle configuration.
  2. Install checkstyle plugin CheckStyle-IDEA
  3. Configure the plugin by adding checkstyle.xml into Settings/Other Settings/Checkstyle/Configuration file