MoonShine sortable tree resource


  • MoonShine v2.0+


composer require lee-to/moonshine-tree-resource

Get started

Example usage with tree

use Leeto\MoonShineTree\Resources\TreeResource;

class CategoryResource extends TreeResource
    // Required
    protected string $column = 'title';

    protected string $sortColumn = 'sorting';

    protected function pages(): array
        return [
                    ? __('moonshine::ui.edit')
                    : __('moonshine::ui.add')

    // ... fields, model, etc ...

    public function treeKey(): ?string
        return 'parent_id';

    public function sortKey(): string
        return 'sorting';

    // ...

And add component

namespace App\MoonShine\Pages;

use Leeto\MoonShineTree\View\Components\TreeComponent;
use MoonShine\Pages\Crud\IndexPage;

class CategoryTreePage extends IndexPage
    protected function mainLayer(): array
        return [

Just a sortable usage

use Leeto\MoonShineTree\Resources\TreeResource;

class CategoryResource extends TreeResource
    // Required
    protected string $column = 'title';

    protected string $sortColumn = 'sorting';

    // ... fields, model, etc ...

    public function treeKey(): ?string
        return null;

    public function sortKey(): string
        return 'sorting';

    // ...

Additional content

public function itemContent(Model $item): string
    return 'Custom content here';

Turn off sortable or wrapable

public function wrapable(): bool
    return false;

public function sortable(): bool
    return false;