Build Status

Latest Map

What does this do?

Where Are They Flying To (WATFT) produces a heatmap showing the destinations that the aircraft flying above your house are heading for. If you've ever looked up at a plane and thought, "I wonder where they're flying to?" then WATFT is for you.

How does it work?

WATFT reads data from a TCP stream in SBS format (eg from a machine running dump1090), processes it and writes it to a database file. WATFT can read this database and produce a heatmap showing the destinations of the aircraft it has plotted.

How to use it

If you want to run WATFT on linux on either an x64 (eg Intel/AMD) or arm (eg Raspberry Pi) then all you need to do is download the relevant binary file from the Latest Release.

If you want to run WATFT on another system then you'll need to download or clone this repo, then you'll need to have go installed then run the following to install the dependencies and build:

go get -t -v ./...
go build

@todo - running

Set the value of the environment variable WATFT_SERVER to the address and port of the machine that is dumping out the SBS data, eg export WATFT_SERVER=

About the code
