.Net core cmdline util to get Shannon Entropy'ness of a file, and AES encrypt files!
Average Entropy of pre/post encryption of common document files
File Structure of .docx file Pre/Post Encryption
Application can be started with command line arguments or interactively.
- a for Encryption
- b for EntropyCheck output JUST entropy value
- c for EntropyCheck/Encrypt/EntropyCheck
- d for EntropyCheck/Encrypt/EntropyCheck/Decrypt
- e for Cross-EntropyCheck
- f for Check/Encrypt/Check, and output Pre,Post values
EntropyBuddy.Exe b "C:\mydoc.docx"
EntropyBuddy.Exe f "C:\mydoc.docx"
We can use EntropyBuddy with a powershell script to scan/encrypt/scan all files in a directory. WARNING this will encrypt all documents in your folder and can cause irreperable data loss!
$Results = @()
$Extensions = @(".pdf",".rtf",".docx",".dotx",".xlsx",".xlsm",".xls",".txt",".xml",".csv","msg",".doc",".md",".ppt","pptx")
$EntropyBuddy = "C:\Users\Lee\Documents\GitHub\EntropyBuddy\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\EntropyBuddy.exe"
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\Lee\Desktop\AA_SDD test data - Copy" -Filter *.* -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force
$Files | ForEach-Object {
if($Extensions -contains $_.Extension)
$File = $_
$FilePath = $_.FullName
$EntropyValues = (& $EntropyBuddy b $FilePath)
$File = [PSCustomObject]@{
name = $File.Name
path = $File.FullName
extension = $File.Extension
size = $file.Length/1KB
entropy = $EntropyValues
"$($File.Name) - $EntropyValues"
$Results += $File
$TimeStamp = (Get-Date -Format("yyyy-dd-M-HH-mm-ss")).ToString()
$Results | Export-Csv -Path ( $TimeStamp + ".csv")