This unofficial library is wrapping some functions of the DHL SOAP API in order to easy create/delete shipments and labels.
- You need a DHL developer Account and - as long as you want to use the API in production systems - a DHL Intraship Account.
- PHP-Version 7.2 or higher (It may work on older Versions, but I don't offer Support for these)
- PHP-SOAP-Client installed + enabled on your Server. More information on
You can use Composer to install the package to your project:
composer require leebmann24/dhl-php-sdk
The classes are then added to the autoloader automatically.
If you can't use Composer (or don't want to), you can also use this SDK without it.
To initial this SDK, just require the _nonComposerLoader.php
from the /includes/
require_once(__DIR__ . '/includes/_nonComposerLoader.php');
This Project is written for the DHL-SOAP-API Version 2 or higher.
We continue the support of which is now inactive