
A Shitty PEG Parser

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A pretty shitty PEG parser written in TypeScript.


In Shitty PEG, there is no DSL for defining grammars. It's Just JavaScript™.

Because of this, you can write parsers which can be type-checked by TypeScript, or written in CoffeeScript or Purescript without any special plugins.

More shitty features:

  • Support for common white-space and indentation significant grammars. Shitty PEG is white-space significant by default.

  • Stash and retrieve arbitrary data in context of the parsing "stack".

  • Easily define delimited lists.

Pretty shitty drawbacks

  • Synchronous execution. No streams right now.

  • Not particularly fast.

Getting started

npm install shitty-peg
var peg = require('shitty-peg');
peg.parse(peg.source('abc'), myParser);

function myParser(p) {
  return p.many(/^[a-z]/);