
Compiled Applications for Flipper Zero, due to popular demand

Flipper Zero Compiles App (.fap) Files

What this is?

Due to popular demand, I've added this repository with compiled FAP files of my Flipper Zero Applications
These can be downloaded and added to your Flipper Zero using qFlipper or by writing directly on to the SD card.

All Apps were manually compiled on my machine for the corresponding Firmware. Version updates will be done occasianally.

I recommend checking out how to compile source code, as it is much more convenient if you get this running. Brief tutorials
can be found here

Firmware flavours

I'll try my best to supply versions for the original and the common custom firmwares. Files in the corresponding folder

  • Official
  • Roguemaster
  • Unleashed
  • Momentum
  • Xtreme

Offical App Catalog

You can find some of these Applications in the Official Flipper Zero App Catalog. This is embeded into the Mobile App.

Alternate Sources

Also checkout the unofficial Flipper App store, that allows you to build and install apps directly from Github to your device [https://flipc.org/]