
Why are you shib(e)? A Shibboleth translator.

Primary LanguagePython


"Why are you shib(e)?"

        leee / shibboleth / achernya + 2016-11-16 21:12:45
            Why are you shib
        leee / shibboleth / leee + 2016-11-16 21:13:03
            why not doge

Shibboleth is a very wonderful federated identity/single sign-on project, but is just terrible to deal with when trying to access resources on a Service Provider (SP) web server that has Shibboleth content protection enabled.

In the past, I had juggled header dumps and cookie jars and begged and pleaded curl with a variety of shell scripts, only to keep running into changes in the WAYF (Where Are You From) or IdP (Identity Provider) services breaking my terrible string manipulation techniques.

In 2014, MIT IS&T began exploring and eventually rolled out two-factor authentication with the Duo Security Trusted Access platform, tying it in with many services, including MIT's branded IdP, Touchstone. It was no longer possible to such clunky tooling.

I am a fan of keeping things simple. Unfortunately, trying to perform witchcraft on shell scripts to make it talk Shib(e), and then Duo? That way lies madness.

Therefore, I present to you a Python script that uses mechanize to act as a browser to go through the log in process.

At the moment, doge uses a Touchstone Collaboration account to log in, but it is very much feasible to use certificates with mechanize and then teach the script how to fire off a Duo Push, prompt for a passcode, or perhaps with enough abuse, do OTP within the script.

Some working example scripts are provided in examples/. You must have an account to proceed beyond this point - as noted before, doge uses Touchstone Collaboration accounts - use of Athena accounts is possible only after getting certificate (yes, stored passwords work and we do it, but is less than ideal) and Duo support.

Use doge at your own risk. If you are using this for something related to MIT, please, very - carefully - read the following documents:

If you are using this elsewhere, please make sure that you are operating within the bounds of any agreements you've made.

leee@null ~/doge> cat secrets.py
# MIT's Touchstone Collaboration account
cams_username = "user@mit.edu"
cams_password = "hunter2"
leee@null ~/doge> python doge.py https://shibe.mit.edu/desired-webpage
# ...html for that webpage...
leee@null ~/doge> cd examples/
leee@null ~/doge/examples> python cogen.py # obtains MIT Cogeneration Project \
                                           # public (to MIT) sensor data. \
                                           # I use this to get local weather.
| tag                | desc                           | value        | unit  |
| ppj13total         | Current MIT Load               | 20.627729    | MW    |
| gt1ji370           | Current MIT Gas Turbine Output | 0            | MW    |
| ppj13utautb        | Current Import from NSTAR      | 20.627729    | MW    |
| ms6fstot           | Total MIT Steam Load           | 180.25244    | ?     |
| ms6fi01            | Heat Recovery Steam Generation | 1.8310547E-2 | ?     |
| totaltns           | Total MIT Chilling Load        | 3002.1934    | ?     |
| WS:OutsideTemp     | Outside Temperature            | 49           | degF  |
| WS:DewPoint        | Dew Point                      | 40           | degF  |
| WS:InsideTemp      | Rack Room Temperature          | 68           | degF  |
| WS:WindSpeed       | Wind Speed                     | 0            | mph   |
| WS:WindDirection   | Wind Direction                 | 3            | deg   |
| WS:Barometer       | Barometric Pressure            | 30           | in Hg |
| WS:InsideHumidity  | Rack Room Humidity             | 30           | pct   |
| WS:OutsideHumidity | Outside Relative Humidity      | 70           | pct   |
| WS:TotalRain       | Total Rainfall                 | 295          | in    |
| WS:WindChill       | Wind Chill                     | 49           | degF  |
| WS:Barometer:SI    | Barometric Pressure            | 1,013        | mb    |
| WS:DewPoint:SI     | Dew Point                      | 4            | C     |
| WS:OutsideTemp:SI  | Outside Temperature            | 9            | C     |
leee@null ~/doge/examples> python listmaker.py shib # Use at your own risk. \
                                                    # Provided as proof of \
                                                    # concept. Read MITnet and \
                                                    # Athena Rules of Use over \
                                                    # and over and over.
List: shib
Flags: active, private, and visible
shib is not a maillist and is not a group
Owner: USER leee
Last modified by daemon/listmaker.mit.edu@ATHENA.MIT.EDU with Python on 17-nov-2016 05:53:15
leee@null ~/doge/examples>