
Quick and dirty "gsay" tool.

Primary LanguagePython


  • Didn't like any TTS voices shipped on Windows, macOS, Linux, and online.
  • Did like the Google Cloud Wavenet voices provided by Google Cloud Text-To-Speech.
  • Wanted to provide a generally platform-agnostic way of obtaining reasonable voice announcements.

Setup and Use:

  • Use Google Cloud Console to generate an API key. Place said key into gsay.py.
  • python3 gsay.py "Test Voice Announcement" > test.mp3
  • ffmpeg -y -i test.mp3 -ar 8000 test.wav - taking care to make sure the file comes to 3 seconds or less (or wait until conversion to be told about it.)
  • Repeat ad nauseam until satisfied.
  • APX CPS > Tools > VA Converter Utility to perform .wav -> .mva in bulk.
  • Add to Radio Ergonomics Configuration > Voice Announcements > Voice Announcement List and assign away to Zone/Channels!

Quirks about TTS:

  • All TTS software and voices butcher things.
  • Here are some examples in the case of Google Cloud Wavenet:
    • "BAPERN" -> "B A P E R N." Try "Baypern" instead.
    • "MEMA" -> "M E M A.". Try "Meema" instead.
    • "EMS System" -> "Em's System." Try "E-MS System" instead.
    • "BAA" -> "B A A." Try "B-A-A" instead. ("B-AA" gave me "B double A.")

Quirks about Motorola APX CPS:

  • Each VA has a 3 second limit.
  • 32 character file name limit (minus the .mva file type suffix).
  • Codeplugs have a 1000s maximum limit - so at 3 seconds each, that's 333 files.
  • This is of course a worst case scenario, but is a reasonable indicator.
  • Assuming all that goes to sets of 17 (zone + 16 channels), that's 19.5 zones.
  • Does not include things for buttons and actions.
  • Therefore, assume that VA is to be used where you expect most channel use.

Thoughts about Voice Announcements:

  • VAs are highly useful - forgotten about unless they disappear.
  • Unfortunately VAs are difficult to set up, perhaps comically so.
  • Cursory field testing indicates many users/testers preferred feminine voices.
  • Would be interesting to see if this determination can be reproduced in an academic study, and investigate why this is the case.
  • Out of the 3 feminine Wavenet voices, users tended towards C and E as opposed to F, the highest pitched voice. C appeared to be more popular.


  • Improve gsay.py configuration.
  • Tooling to process bulk VAs from a list in a file.
  • Automated checking of audio file length.