Tuya Panel Basic Template(React Native 0.59)

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for docs, please visit tuya docs

for users outside Chinese mainland, please remove .npmrc file.

Download manually

$ curl https://codeload.github.com/tuya/tuya-panel-demo/tar.gz/master | tar -xz --strip=2 tuya-panel-demo-master/examples/basic-ts-0.59
$ mv basic tuya-panel-basic-ts-0.59-example
$ cd tuya-panel-basic-ts-0.59-example


The template project is the basic typescript template of react native version 0.59, which can start all Tuya products and be used to debug the DP points of the current product, in addition, it supports the following functions:

  1. Path Alias;
  2. React、Redux Hooks;

You can scan the following QR code through the Tuya app to preview.



$ npm install && npm run start
# or
$ yarn && yarn start


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