GIS Course 2021

Setup day 1: QGIS

For day one, you will need to have QGIS version 3.12 or newer installed on your machine.


  1. Click "Get the installer"
  2. Expand the section for you operating system
  3. Choose version 3.22 (Windows users: standalone installer, not Network installer)

You can download the files we will be using from this link:

Lesson material day 1

Instructions, QGIS (Peder Gammeltoft)

Slides, QGIS (Peder Gammeltoft)

Tutorial/demo, Geonorge API (based on code by Arne Solli)

Preparation day 2: Google Colab

No installation is required for day two, but you will need a google/gmail-account to sign in to Google Colab.

In preparation for day 2, we recommend that you complete this small interactive tutorial:

You can edit the document right away, and save the changes to a copy in your own google drive. Don't worry if you get error messages and are unable to complete the tutorial. We will explain any error messages and go through the tutorial step by step in the first session.

Notebooks day 2
