
Common and configuration

Clone this project to your computer.

Create file in src directory with parameters:

  • login
  • password
  • downloadpath
  • test.mode
  • test.browser
  • link
  • e.g.

login and password is Atlas account for tests

downloadpath is a directory to save files (Note: directory should be exist)

test.mode local or remote


link is link to test environment

You can run tests in a local browser or remote Selenium Server

  • for local mode is specifying path to browser driver, like src/chromedriver.exe
  • for remote mode is specifying URL for Selenium Server, like (note: instruction for setup and configure Selenoide described in section "Setup and configure Selenoide")

Requirements for running test

I need installed JDK and Apache Maven

Setup and configure Selenoide

Selenoide is Selenium Server in docker.

For remote mode recommended using Selenoide

  1. Install docker and add user to docker group
  2. Install Configuration Manager (CM)

curl -s | bash

Put cm to /usr/local/bin

  1. Configure of CM

cm selenoid configure --vnc --browsers chrome --last-versions 1 --tmpfs 128

Note: see for more information about configure CM

Pull docker without vnc docker pull selenoid/chrome:73.0

  1. Run CM

cm selenoid start --vnc

  1. Run Selenoid Interface (optional)

cm selenoid-ui start

Running test with IntelliJ Idea

To start you have to install cucumber plugin to IntelliJ Idea: Please take attention on version of your Idea, to download correct version of plugin. (Help -> About)

To run tests you have to run RunCucumberTest.class file If you start it as is, all tests from project start. You can say to cucumber what tests do you want to start by uncommenting row ", tags = {"@dev"}" after @ you have to set tag with type of tests what you want. e.g. @IMPALA and start RunCucumberTest and all tests with tag IMPALA will be start.

Running test from CLI

For running test on Unix you should go to AtlasTests directory with pom.xml and execute command:

mvn clean test

for running tests which specified in CucumberOptions section in


mvn clean test -Dcucumber.options="src/test/resources/odysseusAT --tags @unauthorized"

for running tests with tag @unauthorized