
Paulacska's "unhosted" site

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • Give your images titles in English, but replace spaces with underscores: "Things That Live In My Head" becomes Things_that_live_in_my_head.
  • The largest size each image should be 900 pixels. This is the choice of Magnum for their 2014 public website without watermarks.
  • For every 900 pixel image, create one whose longest side is 200 pixels, and save it alongside the original, but with _thumb before the file extension, like this: my_picture_thumb.jpg. Please maintain all other aspects of the filename, including the file extension.
  • Log in to ftp://YOUR_USERNAME:YOUR_PASSWORD@ftp.paulacska.com
  • Chose a name for your portfolio, with underscores instead of spaces, and create a directory with that name within /www. Upload your images to that directory.
  • For the homepage slideshow images, upload to /www/slideshow/.