
Prototyping wip: XML to create videos in JS/TS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

XML to descirbe a video composed of video clips, sound clips, and HTML -- sequentially and overlaid.

NB: Overlays are acheived by having multiple items in a sequence have the same start value, optionally setting the blend, width, height, top, left positions.

Project: contains a sequence. Sets global output options.

Sequnce: a series of items in chronoligcal order; all items have to be in a sequence. Any item can contain any other item.

  • sequence
  • video
  • sound
  • html

All have properties as below: If not specified, they inherit the parent properties. If no ancestor has a particular attribute, it defaults to the subject's full duration,

  • start: milliseconds by which to delay the start, relative to parent; defaults to 0, ie synced with the parent
  • duration: set to clip this and all children if any duration exceeds this figure. If not set, renders the whole file and any children.
    • Cards render for the specified number of milliseconds, or so long as their parent is rendering.
  • width: see height
  • height: a percentage or pixel value to specify the dimension of the item
  • top: see left
  • left: a percentage or pixel value to specify the position of the item
  • alpha: alpha value of the media as a float between 0-1.
  • blend: blending mode for composition operation, defaults to none.