
Split and Recall: A simple and efficient benchmark to evaluate in-context recall performance of Large Language Models (LLMs)

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A simple and efficient benchmark to evaluate in-context recall performance of Large Language Models (LLMs)

Task Description

Task Easy: Sentence Split & Recall: for a given paragraph (the abstract section of the paper), split the paragraph into individual sentences

Task Hard: Sentence Split & Recall with Long Context: for a given paragraph (the abstract section of the paper) in a long document (determined by hard_task_max_char), split the paragraph into individual sentences


In the eval_data.json file, there are 10 papers from ACL 2023. File structure looks like following:

			"paper_id": int,
			"paper_title": "paper title",
			"paper_url": "link_to_the_paper",
			"abstract_sentences": ["sentence1", "sentence2", ...],
			"full_text": "full OCR text of the paper",

I have manually cleaned and splitted the abstracts into sentences. The abstract in the full_text is also replaced with the cleaned sentences.

Run the eval

  1. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/ai8hyf/llm_split_recall_test
  2. Install openai: pip install openai
  3. Provide your own openai api key or use your local LLM config. You can find the parameters inside split_and_recall.py. You can also choose the task (easy or hard) and context length for the hard task in the same file.
  4. Run the eval: python split_and_recall.py

Preliminary Results

Easy Task (hosted on vLLM, temp 0.1)

| Model                    | Precision |
| Mistral 7B Instruct v0.2 |    61.04% |
| Mixtral 8x7B Instruct    |    87.01% |
| Qwen 1.5 72B Chat (4bit) |    96.10% |
| GPT-3.5-Turbo            |    97.40% |
| GPT-4-Turbo              |    98.70% |

Hard Task (hosted on vLLM, temp 0.1)

| Model                    | @ 2,500 Token | @ 5,000 Token | @ 8,000 Token |
| Mistral 7B Instruct v0.2 |         0.04% |            0% |            0% |
| Mixtral 8x7B Instruct    |        83.12% |            0% |            0% |
| Qwen 1.5 72B Chat (4bit) |        89.61% |        88.31% |        83.12% |


The eval data may not be representative. Depending on the inference engine, prompt, and hyper-parameter settings, the benchmark scores may vary.


Please feel free to start new PRs!


If you use Split&Recall in your research, please cite this project as:

  author = {Yifei Hu},
  title = {Split and Recall: A simple and efficient benchmark to evaluate in-context recall performance of Language Models},
  year = {2024},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/ai8hyf/llm_split_recall_test}},