
Practical development challenge for Stone Pagamentos

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


Practical challenge completed as part of the recruiting process of Stone Pagamentos.

The app consists of a Chuck Norris' fact searcher that allows users to share facts with other apps.

Base Flowchart

Base Flowchart


On your computer: Download and install both JDK 1.8 and Android Studio:

In case you prefer to an emulator to run the app, download an ADV following these steps:

On your smartphone:

  • An Android device is enough.

How to run it

On your computer:

  • After installing the software mentioned above, open the project with Android Studio and run in either on your actual device or on an emulator.

On your smartphone:

  • Download the apk provided by me and install it directly into your Android device. This only applies to e-mail contact.

Resources used on this project:

  • GitHub Projects - automated KanBan board for task management;

  • GitHub Issues - project issue management;

  • GitHub Actions - CI pipeline;

  • Kotlin - modern programming language for native Android development;

  • Clean Architecture - software design principles that allow for SOLID layering of the app, making the app scalable, agile and robust;

  • Test-Driven Development - technique that allows abstractions to be readily tested, as a way to ensure robust feature development, allowing failures to happen as soon as possible, so they can be fixed before detailed implementation;

  • MockK - powerful unit test library for Kotlin, to ensure solid Test-Driven Development cycles;

  • MockWebServer - network test library for simulating API responses, to ensure solid Test-Driven Development cycles;

  • Retrofit 2 - HTTP client API that makes it easier to make REST API data requests;

  • RxKotlin - asynchronous and event-based reactive programming library;

  • Room Persistence - SQLite abstraction for data persistence in-app, for data fetch even if the app is offline;

  • Stateful MVVM - presentation design pattern that allows better UI state control, ensuring reactive UI events based on ViewModel data changes;

  • Dagger2 - dependency injection framework that ensures static compile-time dependency injection, allowing injection errors to be caught before users ever have a chance to do so;

  • ViewBinding - feature that ensures null-safety on calling views from a given layout;

  • Ktlint - linter to ensure Kotlin usage and codestyle consistency throughout the app;

  • GitFlow - branching model workflow that allows better control over the integration and delivery of production and development code;

  • Rebase - git feature that allows organizing a git history in such a way that a development story may be clearly told, over a confusing development history;

  • Karma commit pattern - semantic commit message pattern, to allow for understandable development history; and

  • Git hooks - commit and pre-push git hooks to ensure that the code obeys linter, commit patterns and test rules, before integrating it to the codebase.


  • Leehendry Pauletto