Parser Combinator in Python. Define parser function or parser combinator using existed combinators.
@Parsec # Use decorator to define a new combinator
def test(state): # Parsing function receives a state object as input
One("(")(state) # Match parenthesis
val = Many1(Digit)(state)# Match numbers
One(")")(state) # Match parenthesis
return int("".join(val)) # Return matched value
assert test(State("(42)")) == 42
Some demos can be found here.
Parse arithmetic expression and calculate them.
Parse Json format input string into python dict, list, etc.
"programmers": [{
"firstName": "Brett",
"lastName": "McLaughlin",
"email": "aaaa"
}, {
"firstName": "Jason",
"lastName": "Hunter",
"email": "bbbb"
"authors": [{
"firstName": "Isaac",
"lastName": "Asimov",
"genre": "sciencefiction"
Parse Scheme code into AST and evaluate them using visitor pattern.
v = EvalVisitor(env)
v.visit(ReadExpr("(- (+ 4 6 3) 3 5 2)"))
v.visit(ReadExpr("(define f (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))"))
v.visit(ReadExpr(("(f 1 2)"))