CLI program to convert markdown file/string into Postype compatible html and upload it
This project requires maven
and java
# install
mvn install
# build
mvn package
# exec
java -cp "/path/to/fastype/project/target/fastype-0.0.1.jar" fastype.Fastype --help
This program read configuration from $HOME/.config/fastype/config.yaml
Example yaml file
token: "token"
blogUrl: ""
blogId: "1111111" # will be automatically set if you set `blogUrl`
You can create/edit this file directly or use fastype config
command instead
fastype config --key "blogUrl" --value ""
In order to save draft, program requires Postype authentication token (token).
There are two ways you can provide token
to config.
fastype auth -i # interative mode (use browser)
fastype auth -t, --token "value" # pass token directly to config
You can use this command to save draft from markdown.
# pass content from clipboard (OS X)
fastype --id [draftId] --content "$(pbpaste)" -ip /path/to/save/images --title "this is title" --subtitle "this is subtitle"
# pass content from markdown file
fastype --id [draftId] --content ./path/to/markdown/file -ip /path/to/save/images --title "this is title" --subtitle "this is subtitle"
I hate most WYSIWYG style editors regardless of its ease of use.
And as I use Notion as my primary note app, I wanted to export my markdown files easily into my blog.
So I reverse engineered Postype API and made this CLI application.
If you're interested in improving this app, please leave an issue.